

We are currently running our in-house Basketball Program. Games are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Northridge Cross Country

This is for Grades 3-5. Our fall session is almost finished. There will be a Spring team as well. Watch for information to come.

Northridge Rugby

This is for our Grade 4-5’s. (more info to follow as we near the season)

Northridge Track and Field

Grade 3 -TBA

Grade 4 – TBA

Grade 5 – TBA

Northridge Soccer Team

Exciting news, we are starting up our Soccer Team. This is for Grade 4-5 students that are interested in participating. All levels welcome! Practices will be on Thursdays from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. There will be a Jamboree on October 26th at Hampton field. (watch for more information)